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Staying Safe & Prepared: A Tenant’s Guide to Weathering the Storm in the Southeast

Staying Safe & Prepared: A Tenant’s Guide to Weathering the Storm in the Southeast

Living in the Southeast comes with its fair share of weather challenges, from sudden tornadoes to heavy rain and windstorms.

Being prepared as a tenant can make all the difference in ensuring your safety and minimizing the impact on your home. Here’s what you need to know to stay ahead of the weather.

Understand the Risks

  • Tornadoes: These can strike quickly and with little warning, posing significant risks to both life and property.
  • Heavy Rain and Floods: Extended periods of rain can lead to flooding, potentially affecting your home and personal safety.
  • Wind Damage: High winds can damage buildings, knock down power lines, and turn unsecured objects into hazards.

Preparing for Severe Weather

  1. Stay Informed: Sign up for local weather alerts on your phone and pay attention to weather forecasts, especially during peak storm seasons. We recommend following along with Alabama’s local favorite, James Spann at ABC 33/40 or with The Weather Channel.
  2. Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit in your home that includes water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, medications, and important documents in a waterproof container.
  3. Know Your Plan: Consider having an emergency plan for your household. Know where to go during a tornado warning or how to evacuate in case of a flood. Make sure your family is familiar with the plan in the event that adults are not at home.

During the Storm

  • Shelter: If a tornado warning is issued, go to the safest location in your home, such as a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor, away from windows; this could be a central hallway, closet, or bathroom. In high winds, stay indoors and away from windows.
  • Communication: Keep a battery-powered or hand-crank radio with you to listen to emergency updates. Use your cell phone sparingly to conserve battery life.
  • Safety Precautions: Avoid using electrical appliances and stay clear of flooded areas, both indoors and outdoors.

After the Storm

  • Damage Assessment: Once it’s safe, check your home for any damage. Document any damage with photos and notify your property manager immediately. If you’re a tenant of Atlas Rental Property, you can submit a work order quickly and easily through your Tenant Portal. Look out for debris in your gutters and any other place where debris can easily hide or accumulate.
  • Be Cautious: Be wary of hazards like broken glass, exposed nails, and downed power lines.
  • Stay Updated: Follow local news or contact your property management for updates on when it’s safe to return to normal activities and what steps to take next.

Additional Tips for Tenants Storm Safety

  • Communication with Management: Keep the contact information of your property management handy and report any issues or damages as soon as possible.
  • Community Support: In times of disaster, communities often band together for support. Whether it’s sharing supplies or offering a safe space, don’t hesitate to help out neighbors if you can.
  • Watch / Warning Definitions: The National Weather Service defines a watch as when the weather event is possible. A warning is when the weather event is imminent or about to happen.
Living through severe weather can be challenging, but with the right preparations, you can significantly mitigate the risks to yourself and your home. Remember, your safety is the most important priority during any severe weather event. Always follow local advisories and instructions from your property management. Together, we can weather the storm safely.
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